it all started with a t-shirt
Say Hello to Lila (the pooch), Isis (the daughter) and Allan (the Dad). We are Elepa®, and are very excited you are here.
The pooch is just along for the treats…
So the question we get asked all the time is, “How did you guys start this great organization?” And the answer is simple…it started with the T-shirt you see in the picture.
You see, when Isis was 10 years old, we sent her to a “graphics design summer camp,” and at the end of the week, the final project for the students was to make up their own company and logo. Since my birthday was coming up, she decided to combine my favorite animal in the whole world - the elephant - with my name, “Pa,” and came up with the company, “Elepa ®.” (Ella-pAH). Then she found those cute little elephant drawings online and the shirt I’m wearing in this picture was born.
Well, as time went on and I wore the shirt, I ran into many people asking me where they could buy such a cool shirt, and when I explained that my daughter made it for me, the response was always “you should sell them, I would buy one!”
Then one day, we were watching a show that spoke about the horrors of poaching in Africa, and it hit us…we can use Elepa to help. We can actually start selling these shirts and then donate the money to help stop this awful practice.
One thing led to another, one idea blossomed while others were kicked to the side, and suddenly, Elepa, Inc. was officially born.
So although we are just a father, a daughter, and a happy pooch, we still feel we can make a difference, and hope you all feel the same way. Please help in any way you can.
Buy a t-shirt, a mug, a hat, whatever you love from our cool online store. Make a donation. Share our journey with everyone you know.
The proceeds go to our favorite anti-poaching international organizations, and the feelings of doing something that feels great, go right to your heart.
We thank you, but more importantly, so do the animals.
With love,
Allan, Isis, and Lila
a word from the ceo
My name is Isis, and I created Elepa with my Dad. I hope you are enjoying the website and can help us in the fight to stop poaching around the world.
Thank you!
Elepa Store
Visit the amazing Elepa Online Store for really cool merchandise, where proceeds go to support the Elepa mission.
donate here
If you don’t need any new gear, you can make a one-time donation, or sign up for monthly contributions. Certain levels will receive a special thank you gift from Elepa directly.
Share the love
Share Elepa’s mission on your social media platforms. Tell your friends, your family. Knowledge is power, and the more we have in the fight, the more animals will be saved every day.